Platform Update | July 2023

1 min read
July 21, 2023


We're making improvements to the API calls below, adding functionality for custom service product add-ons.  With this change, when custom service products are requested, created or changed, it will also be possible to adjust the product add-ons.


GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/organizations/{organizationId}/services/{serviceId}/products

GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products

POST /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products

GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products/{id}

PUT /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products/{id}

GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products/{productId}/addons

POST /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products/{productId}/addons

GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products/{productId}/addons/{id}

PUT /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/products/{productId}/addons/{id}


This change will be implemented toward the end of August 2023.

 What do I need to do?

Customers using any of the above API calls should adjust their integration.

 If you have any more questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Cloudmore 3.110.0 Release Updates

Set sales prices for Perpetual Licences in the pricelist

You can now manage sales prices for Perpetual Licences in the pricelist.

Setting a custom price for Perpetual Licences in the Pricelist will override an adjustment set in the Azure Price Adjustment matrix.

Please review this guide on How to Manage Azure Pricing for more information.


Cloudmore 3.111.0 Release Updates


End Date Alignment, or Coterminosity, is the Microsoft functionality that allows you to align all subscriptions under an end-user organisation to a single renewal date, no matter the term.

You can now align end-dates when creating NCE subscriptions in Cloudmore.

Coterminosity makes it much easier to manage renewals at the end-user organisation level and reduces operational complexity.

Please see this guide for how to use this new functionality in Cloudmore and reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions.


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